Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27- A thorn in my side

Today I am in a prickly mood. This girl definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Seems no matter what I do I just can't shake it. Do you ever have one of those days, that no matter how much you practice patience, things go south anyhow. Why is that? Some days the harder you try, the worse the outcome. That is so backwards. Im sure my outlook will change with a fresh start tomorrow...maybe keep your fingers crossed for me just incase :) Well, on the brighter side of things I managed to put together some home made Mac n' cheese! I'm going to be pretty popular around my house when Jordan wakes up for night-shift and realizes I made his fav dish for his lunch. Geez I'm good haha. 

Today I managed to take a few photos that reflected my mood , prickly and cold lol Oh well, on to better things tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26 - Severe Weather Warning!

 Another warm day for us up in the northern region. The snow is melting so fast it's creating a mini lake on my patio! Every time Coop comes in from outside I have to chase him down with a towel to try and avoid giant muddy paw prints on my off-white carpet :s I probably shouldn't complain considering we just received a severe weather warning for the near future, oh fun. Im actually not to upset about the cold. I'm so used to it now it doesn't even faze me. I do like calling home and starting up the good ol' "How's the weather ?" convo....I just love getting the "Holy crap!" reaction when I tell them what we're receiving weather wise up here. I always with that conversation! hehe
 Aside from the slush. today wasn't to bad. Unfortunately I woke up to a terrible cough, but I can thank Buckley's for fixing me up. I know you all, by "you all" I mean the one person probably reading this (Hi mom!), are thinking how brave I am for facing the horrendous  taste of that miracle cough syrup....but I wussed out :s I would rather suffer with a cough than subject my poor taste buds to that nasty stuff! So I opted for the capsules....not so brave but very smart..I think anyhow :D

The sole and only berry left on the tree. Right after this photo was taken Cooper ate the berry, causing me to panick (poisonous or not!? I don't know)  and shove my hand in his mouth to retrieve it. Poor lil guy got more than he bargained for!

Well it's bedtime for us, sleep tight.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dog on the loose!

What a good day I had today. It was sunny out but still frozen enough I didn't have to trek through slush, which means no wet dog today ....finally (insert giant smiley face here haha). It seemed as though everything lined up perfectly...I had all my errands done before noon, the animals were all hanging out and Coop was ready to nap whenever I needed him to settle down. I am a happy mom today I tell ya! Not to mention I had the best evening stroll with the dog tonight. You can't see it in the photos but the sun was just about ready to go down and it was surprisingly warm, which was a nice break for my little red nose haha We met the nicest kids on our walk, they had the cutest freckly faces I've ever seen. These girls were so sweet, completely gushing over Cooper. It was hard to tell who was more excited to see who! All in all it was a heck of a good day.  Let's hope the rest of the night goes as swimingly :D

I wish they weren't so blurry but I was trying to manage the controls with mittens on haha, but I still love them!


Monday, January 24, 2011

And she's back!

 Whoa, it feels as if I've been sick for far longer than 4 days! I've been hiding in bed for the past few days trying to kick this horrendous bug that's taken ahold of my house. I guess I should just be happy I can walk around the house without being consumed with motion sickness lol I sure hope everyone had a good weekend, and a germ free weekend aswell!
 Im not sure about the area you live in but the weather here has been crazy warm for the past couple of days. Generally I prefer the weather to be warmer than cooler, but with all this melting snow I think I'd prefer Mr.frost to come back. After each time I took Cooper outside today he got scruffier and scruffier. It's nice he can stay out longer, but oh my goodness does he ever stink! Melting snow = wet smelly dog .
 Even though I've been ill, theres no excuses when it come to taking care of your pets, so I did still have to venture out to take the little critter out for bathroom breaks. If it wasn't for him I would be alot farther behind in my photo project :) I guess I should throw him a bone hehe
 Sooo anywho here's a little re-cap of the last couple days around neighbourhood...
 Day23- I took this shots along with a couple other that I thought would make a nice canvas stretch piece for my entry way....I'll have to think about it!? Hmm
 Day 21- I never get tired of these shots, It makes me so happy when he gets all excited and barrels towards me. I spend all day with him so usually it's no big deal when he sees me, so I really soak the special attention in when he does dish it out.
 Day 24- Cooper loves climbing the piles of snow and then jumping off of them. He's my wild child lol
Day 22-This photo reminded me of the Batman light haha You know the beam of light with the bat sign he breaks out when he's saving people. Haha I don't know, it's silly but thats what I see :p

P.S. I apologize the photos aren't in order, I treid but for some reason no matter which order I uploaded them, they wanted to stay this way haha.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Days 19 & 20 of 365!

These past few days I've been gearing up to start packing up the house. I know I have a month to get it all done, but I always intend on getting a head start, and then all of the sudden it's moving day! Everyday I've been setting things aside that I don't use on a daily basis, packing them up, and then labelling them. If my predictions are correct, this could be the easiest move I've ever that I've said that I have a feeling somethings bound to go wrong. To good to be true, as they say. I have my fingers crossed anyhow. Considering I didn't post my Project 365 photo yesterday I'm going to include it in this post, just so I don't get off track......
 Day 20- This photo sort of reminded me of a vintage holiday card or something along those lines. Not going to lie it made me sad  the Christmas season passed so quickly. Seems I hardly had time to enjoy it, then again time with family and friends is never quite enough is it..or on the other hand sometimes it feels like to much time haha.
Day 19- We didn't venture out to much yesterday so I made sure to keep the camera on hand around the house. Cooper is even cute when he's making a big mess...I wonder how long that will last!?


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18

 I hope everyone's Tuesday made up for the slow going Monday! To be honest I didn't do much today, again my excuse is the frigid cold outside my door...surprise surprise :p I did manage to take a couple pics of my cat Dolly as she tried desperately to cuddle in for a long nap. If you've ever met my cats you'll know what a huge accomplishment this whole cuddling thing is for them. I have tried literally for years to mold my cats into top notch cuddlers. I guess they would, very rarely, pay you some attention. If they thought you deserved it that is haha But now that we have Cooper running around these cats are relentless when it come to getting the attention. I have 4 shadows now and oddly enough only one looks like me !

Good night. Britt*

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17....Monday not so fun-day :( feels like it's been Monday for a week already! Haha, okay maybe I exaggerated a tad, but this day has honestly dragged on and on. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't felt 100% today, because it's too cold to go for a walk, or If I should chalk it up to a boring day. At least I can be comforted in the fact that I'm not alone in my Monday woes. It seems that everywhere I look, whether it be a blog or facebook (ok 2 places I looked lol) people are singing the Monday blues. Luckily we don't have many hours to this day left, and we can rejoice in the fact that we have a fresh start to a new day very soon. Although I still have most of the same tasks I had ahead of me today, to do all over again, for some reason it feels easier knowing it will be day closer to Friday!
I did manage to take the dog out earlier this morning for a very quick jaunt around my building. We saw this lil guy struggling to stay standing in the snow. I managed to save it from the wrath of Coopers slobbery mouth, and instead snapped a shot of it for my own enjoyment...and yours of course :D 

Sunday, January 16, 2011


My first post and I already forgot something! Oh my, I better focus or we're in for a mess. Haha here is the link I said I would post...and then didn't. My apologies :D

Project 365!

So it's a new year, and I believe that calls for a fresh new start! Not only is this blog a new project for me, but I've decided to take part in Project 365. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, Project 365 is basically a commitment to take at least one photo a day, for one full year. I have attempted to do this in the past but unfortunately procrastination got the better side of me and slowly I stopped. This year will be different! Now that I have let everybody know just what I'm up to, I'm ready to fully immerse myself into this and will not quit. I hope everybody enjoys the small tid-bits of my daily life and the images I choose to share :D I guess you could call this somewhat of a visual journal of sorts. In saying that, take a peek and I hope you like it. Cheers!

Day 16- Cooper (my 5 month old Golden Retriever) and I decided to stay cuddled inside with the cats and a big pot of tea today! Usually I feel terrible when the weather is this cold and I'm not able to bring the dog for some good exercise. Today on the other hand he was in no rush to go into the cold, which suites me just fine! I was going to post the previous 15 days of this project today, but have decided to link my Facebook page instead of overwhelming you all with photos for my very first post. I already have an album dedicated to this little project of mine, so if you're interested in seeing what I've been up to so far this year, please feel free to go look. Don't feel limited to just check out that album, there's plenty more to look at. So go the link, I wouldn't steer you wrong :D