Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 52 | Weeks 5&6

Project 52 | Weeks 5&6

 Week 5 {Annoyance}
Although relatively small Ravens have continued to be a huge annoyance, especially when trying to get my dogs to do their business outside. They heckle the crap out of my poor dogs, flying from roof top , to roof top making extremely loud screeching noises. The continue to fly lower and lower making my boys think they'll be able to catch them, I know they're silently laughing inside. Unless that crazy screeching noise is their version of a laugh....either way I could really do without them!! 

Week 6 {sick}
This week has been soooo tiring. Our poor pup Waylen has been ill and needing to go out throughout the night to use the bathroom. He's had to fast for the past two days and was just finally able to eat (special food from the vet that cost a fortune!) today. Not to mention I have to give him two pills twice a day for the next five days which he dislikes, but then again who wants somebody forcing meds down their guess is nobody! His big bro Cooper has been very worried about him and with him every step of the way! As sad as it is to see my wee one under the weather, it's pretty cute to see how much Cooper cares for Waylen. He just follows his little brother around licking him and laying as close to him as he can possibly get :D I hope when I have kids they get along that well haha 
The week hasn't been a complete bust I suppose, we did finally get our king size bed re-ordered, which means no more fighting for a spot in the bed haha Now maybe Jordan and I will stay comfortable when we have 2 dogs and 2 cats trying to squeeze in wherever there is room! I've tried time and time again to refuse them, but I cave every time :s Well I have dinner in the oven so I should jet before I forget I'm cooking LOL. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend to the fullest!