Sunday, January 29, 2012

Project 52 | Week 4 - {Peace}

It's been hard trying to find a little peace (and quiet) this week. I've been trying really hard to work towards my goals and I gotta tell you it's been hard, harder than I thought it was going to be. It's a little disheartening when you try your hardest and things seem to just stay at a standstill . I've had a few of those days where one thing after the other went wrong and I honestly felt as if I was on my own version of "The Truman Show" (if you've never seen it google it for sure!). It's felt as though I had a whole crew  of people just throwing obstacles in my way and laughing as I try to dodge them unsuccessfully. I know that sounds completely ridiculous, but it's the truth. Luckily for me it's the weekend and a fresh start is soon to come! 

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