Friday, January 13, 2012

Project 52 | Week 2

Project 52 | Week 2

Phewf I survived another week!! That probably sounds pretty dramatic but to be completely honest with the week I've had that statement fits just right. The weather here has been a little bit off for January. We had a few beautiful sunny days where the temperature was in the plus's, which sounds nice but it melted a good chunk of the snow and then overnight the temp dropped leaving us with an ice rink instead of roads and sidewalks. I wouldn't mind the crazy weather so much if I didn't depend on the roads and sidewalks to get out and about haha The cabin fever set in after 2 days of no walk with my boys, and it just got worse from there. After giving Facebook a last glance before bed I read quite a few status updates about being ill, dealing with migraines and just having a bad day in general. I wish I had known that those sad status updates would soon be my future....... 
I woke up Thursday morning feeling normal, tired but normal. I took the dogs out for a tinkle and then ran upstairs to try and squeeze in another 30 mins of bedtime. I was having a hard time focusing on the tv but chalked it up to being tired and tried to get some more shut eye. I wish I had recognized that I was experiencing tunnel vision.  That's where I made my mistake, if I had realized sooner I could have possibly subsided some of the pain with medicine. As soon as my 30 mins was up I couldn't even lift my head from the pillow I was in so much pain. Over the course of that 30 mins my head had created on of the worst migraines I've ever had. Not only was I dealing with tunnel vision but my face and hands went completely numb. Thank goodness Jordan was home and was able to keep me calm (as calm as he could considering I was freak'n right out!). I've had migraines before but I was so weak I literally had to crawl to the bathroom to "get sick". Other than the actual terrible pain itself, the nausea is the worst migraine symptom. Nothing like having to "get sick" with your head shoved in an echoey porcelain bowl when you can barely stand the sound of your own thoughts. Not to mention Jordan had to hold the seat up so it didn't come crashing down on my head. He must have thought I looked beautiful bahahah 
Today has been a huge improvement compared to yesterday. For one I can sit up on my own! I'm not feeling 100% but tomorrow is a new day and I'm counting on it being even better than today :)

My photo for this week........ Project 52 | Week 2 | Boredom

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