Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New resolutions!

 Hey everyone, how are you feeling today? I hope you didn't party too hard last night haha. I myself was curled up on the couch watching Mary Poppins and trying to narrow down my long list of resolutions.  It seems at the end of every year I have all these great ideas and inspiration from the year past and in order to make them a priority I decide to tack them on to my New Years Resolutions list and then the list becomes so big and overwhelming I don't get to half of them. This year is going to be different! I have decided to go a bit smaller and commit to 12 things for the year of 2012. One resolution for every month, this way I have a whole month to integrate the new change into my routine. Am I making sense or does this sound nuts? Either way I think I can pull it off.  No, I know I can pull it off! (one of my resolutions being, be more positive haha). So here it is, my resolutions list for the 12 months of 2012.............

1. Be more positive.
    Unfortunately a good part of the time I tend to see the negative side of things before I finally see the
light. I know it's not the best outlook on life but I'm a worrier and am trying really hard this year to fix that.  
2. Take more chances.
    Like I said before I worry... a lot! I hardly ever step out of my comfort zone for fear of, well anything and everything really haha This year I plan to say "yes" more and not worry so much about not being good at it or looking silly . How do you know if you never try?

3. Fit in fitness.
    This one is definitely not original. I add this one every year and it seems to be the first resolution I quit at. I don't want to get buff or run a marathon, but it would be nice to run around my block and not feel like passing out before my house is even out of sight. (It sounds like I'm exaggerating, and I am but not much lol)

4. Don't sweat the small stuff.
   To be completely honest I'm not even close to being laid back. You may go as far as saying I'm a little up tight. To the untrained eye It may look like that sticky situation just rolled of my back, but If you know me well you know I'm reeling about it on the inside. When something bad happens I tend to think about it until it hurts and then I think about it more. Healthy right? haha I plan on trying to let things go and realize you can't fix everything, sometimes rolling with the punches is all you can do.

5. Stay in closer touch with friends.
    Last September I up and moved to a completely other province than the rest of my family and friends. We aren't terrible at staying in touch, but I definitely miss them all way more than I get the chance to see or talk to them. I'm going to start calling and writing emails on a weekly basis to make sure I'm not out of the loop on everybody's lives.

6. Learn my camera inside and out.
    I want to know EVERYTHING! I plan on taking this passion of photography to the next level at some point (some point soon) and I want to be able to know what my equipment is up to and why. I've learned a lot this past year, but know there is way more to learn then I ever could have imagined.

7. Learn to let go of control.
    I tend to be the one who calls the shots around my house. Jordan and I make the larger decisions together of course, but around the homestead I'm queen of my castle. It's hard for me to step aside and let somebody help with even the smallest task because I've become so particular in how I run things. I vow to let go and maybe even realize there's more than one way to accomplish the same task, maybe even a better way than mine!

8. Become more tech savvy.
    A good majority of my day is spent with one electronic device or another. There's my trusty Macbook, my coveted Canon and of course the good ol' television (with all it's dvd do dads n' such). I know the absolute basics of how to work the majority of these devices haha The frustration over comes me and I call for help before I've given it a fair shot. From now on I'm going to try and try again, and then if I really need to I'll go for help.

9. Obtain my business license.
    I've been seriously considering making a business of my passion for photography. There is a great market for it where I'm currently living, and I honestly can't think of a career that would make me happier. After some more research on the steps I need to take I think this will be one of my big moves for 2012.

10. Focus on my health and well being.
      After learning from my mom there are a couple genetic medical conditions I may want to look out for as I grow older, I made a visit to my family doctor. Which by the way was already a huge step for me considering I usually worry about it until Jordan forces me to make an appointment. Turns out I have a clean bill of health, and I plan on keeping it that way. That means staying active and starting to eat like a grown up haha Meaning incorporating more health foods in my diet and saying goodbye to my dear friend salt :( It will be hard, but I know my body will thank me in the end.

11. Pen pals.
      This resolution is definitely one I'm really looking forward to. A couple of my girlfriends and I got pretty good at keeping up the old fashioned way by writing letters to one another, back and forth as they arrived. The year came to an end and I realized I hadn't sent or received a letter in months, sooo I'm bringing it back. If I have your mailing address expect to get a letter from me real soon!

12. Drive more.
      I didn't get my drivers license until I was 19. There was a few different reason for that decision and I don't regret not getting it sooner but I do regret not driving more often. When I lived in Victoria I was close enough to everything I needed that I basically walked everywhere. The traffic could get pretty crazy and parking was even worse, so I figured I was doing myself a favour.  Now that I live in an even more hectic city (driving wise anyhow) I wish I had the city driving experience to back me up while I'm here driving in these hectic conditions. From now on I'm getting behind the wheel and taking control!

 I havent quite decided if this is the final order in which they will be accomplished, but these are the final resolutions anyhow :)
 I hope you all had a great time ringing in the New Year and I hope your all successful with your resolutions!! Happy New Year!


  1. You go girl :)
    These are great resolutions that I think everyone should try to apply in their lives. Sometimes it's hard to stick to them because life gets in the way, but if you think about them every morning when you first wake up then it might be easier...that's what I'm going to try to do.
    Keep posting because one of my resolutions is to be blessed daily by your blog ;)

    1. I wish I had seen this comment earlier! Thank you so much, just reading this makes it easier to stick to them :D
