Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26 - Severe Weather Warning!

 Another warm day for us up in the northern region. The snow is melting so fast it's creating a mini lake on my patio! Every time Coop comes in from outside I have to chase him down with a towel to try and avoid giant muddy paw prints on my off-white carpet :s I probably shouldn't complain considering we just received a severe weather warning for the near future, oh fun. Im actually not to upset about the cold. I'm so used to it now it doesn't even faze me. I do like calling home and starting up the good ol' "How's the weather ?" convo....I just love getting the "Holy crap!" reaction when I tell them what we're receiving weather wise up here. I always with that conversation! hehe
 Aside from the slush. today wasn't to bad. Unfortunately I woke up to a terrible cough, but I can thank Buckley's for fixing me up. I know you all, by "you all" I mean the one person probably reading this (Hi mom!), are thinking how brave I am for facing the horrendous  taste of that miracle cough syrup....but I wussed out :s I would rather suffer with a cough than subject my poor taste buds to that nasty stuff! So I opted for the capsules....not so brave but very smart..I think anyhow :D

The sole and only berry left on the tree. Right after this photo was taken Cooper ate the berry, causing me to panick (poisonous or not!? I don't know)  and shove my hand in his mouth to retrieve it. Poor lil guy got more than he bargained for!

Well it's bedtime for us, sleep tight.

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