feels like it's been Monday for a week already! Haha, okay maybe I exaggerated a tad, but this day has honestly dragged on and on. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't felt 100% today, because it's too cold to go for a walk, or If I should chalk it up to a boring day. At least I can be comforted in the fact that I'm not alone in my Monday woes. It seems that everywhere I look, whether it be a blog or facebook (ok 2 places I looked lol) people are singing the Monday blues. Luckily we don't have many hours to this day left, and we can rejoice in the fact that we have a fresh start to a new day very soon. Although I still have most of the same tasks I had ahead of me today, to do all over again, for some reason it feels easier knowing it will be day closer to Friday!

I did manage to take the dog out earlier this morning for a very quick jaunt around my building. We saw this lil guy struggling to stay standing in the snow. I managed to save it from the wrath of Coopers slobbery mouth, and instead snapped a shot of it for my own enjoyment...and yours of course :D
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