It's funny to think I've been waking up at the crack of dawn for the past seven and a half months and I am still not a morning person. I'm almost positive if I didn't suffer from insomnia (yes people, I am suffering! lol), I would love waking up in the mornings. I must admit the mornings are probably my most productive time, because if I'm not moving I'm struggling to keep my heavy eyelids open. I wish my body would adapt to this little to no sleep concept, but it really craves more haha. Luckily my motivation kicked into gear first thing this morning (at four thirty). I organized my entire house, from top to bottom in one day! I'm not counting the garage as that's my hubby's job, and technically not in the house haha. I also admit that I planned on colour coordinating the closets, and that didn't get done, but I must say I'm pretty proud of myself. Especially because I did a good majority of it carrying around my sidekick Cohen! I would have said my helper Cohen, but today he was more hinderance than help. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just hard to pack things around with a baby literally strapped to you haha. Anywho despite the huge bags under my eyes, the day did go on and I made it! Success!