Sunday, February 10, 2013

Early Morning Risings

 If your not a morning person, and I mean EARLY morning person, 5am comes fast and hard! Hard to open your eyes, hard to climb out of that comfy nest you've been warming up the past peaceful hours (or restless ones if your an insomniac like myself) and just plain hard to fathom that your awake before the sun! What!?
I always tell myself to stay positive and motivated and that will propel me through my exhaustion, and most of the time that works. Most of the time. On the occasional morning that it doesn't, much like this morning, I have my vices to help me relax and cheer me up just the slightest bit so I can tackle my very long day on just adrenaline and the first of my tea!
 While I drink my tea I will usually jot down a few notes in my journal, either lists of to-do's or a cute thing Cohen or one of my fur kids may have done I just don't wan't to forget. If Cohen is still happy in his swing or playing I will try and jump in on one of the trillions of D.I.Y projects I constantly have going, and that almost always gets the motivation flowing again.
 You didn't ask for it, but there you have it. My early morning blues remedy for the early riser who's super sad they're up that early haha