Saturday, December 7, 2013

7 On 7 Round 2

7 On 7 Round 2

 For my second posting of the 7 on 7 project I have decided to use my fav iPhone images that I've collected over the past lil' while here in this home that I will soon no longer call my own. The closer I get to packing that final box the more nostalgic I feel and I'm so glad that I had my iPhone handy for all those moment in our first home I would have missed with my actual camera. Here are 7 of my more recent favs :) 
 (I also decided to go with the theme of B&W as it seems from my Instagram feed I've been digging it lately)


Click here to check out Jillian Greenhill Photography :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Our Littles Collected Week 20

Our Littles Collected Week 20

  Upon posting this weeks Our Littles Collected on my Facebook page I realized that I had never linked it in with my blog so the 2 of you reading could go check it out :p hehe
 Make sure to check out the ABOUT page also as to check out everyones blogs, Facebook and all that fun stuff!
                                           Click HERE for Week 20 of Our Littles Collected

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Everyday Storytelling - Stories Untold

Stories Untold

Being a mom is fantastic. You will learn more than ever, and be rewarded in ways you could never have imagined. You feel such a broad range of emotions and sometimes even amazement at what you created, but sometimes....
you just feel tired, and lazy and honestly a little stinky (yeah I said it).

Nobody wants to share these stories because it doesn't highlight the star parent your thriving to be, when in reality all the hard work behind the scenes is what makes you that SUPERSTAR mom (or dad) that you truly are!

The ever so talented and friendly group from the Everyday Storytelling (with the ah-ma-zing Deanna McCasland ) workshop I had the opportunity to participate in, have all come together to gain some motivation again. To remind us just why we love being moms and photographers, and no matter what crazy happenings are going on in the day to document some of it. The good, the bad and that's right people, the stinky! Haha 

We have also decided to include a self portrait with every post, which to me is a tad daunting as most times there is a reason I am the one behind the camera! But I am so up for the challenge :)

Enjoy, I hope in reading these blog postings by everyone in this fantastic group and looking and the images from our lives you can see yourself, and know that despite whats going on in the chaos no matter where you look you can find a little beauty in everything.


                                               (Brace yourself for my 6am mugshot haha)

 Now go check out the very talented Jillian Greenhill Photography and continue on through the circle to see what all the gals are up to!

Monday, November 4, 2013

So Long Summer...


    I'm missing these 3 today big time! I finally did what I always say I am going to do every year, and   
    started my Christmas shopping before December. I ordered these 3 little muffins their gifts today and 
    now I can't stop thinking about how excited I am for the Holiday's and to see their faces when they 
    open said gifts :) I also wanted to post these photos to spite the snow that is currently falling outside 
    and hold on to the small amount of greenery left...till next year I suppose!

    Anywho I hope you are all having a better time embracing Winter than I, I know the kids are excited.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Lil' D.I.Y - Lid Storage Rack

 If I haven't expressed my love of Pinterest before, buckle up because I'm a smitten kitten. You can literally find ANYTHING on there, I'm obsessed! I can't even tell you how many of my conversations start with "So I saw this thing on Pinterest..." haha. I was embarrassed about it at first because people would poke fun, but they're the ones mowing down on the awesome Monkey Bread recipe I found, and then working off those calories with all the workouts I've come across, I could seriously go on and on. I will admit that I don't usually make my friends exercise after I feed them, but you get my point. It's loaded with tons of ideas, tips n' tricks and I even plan on "Pinning" a few good ideas of my own :) So the whole point of this rant is, I found a lil' something on there, I tried it, and worked amazingly for me so I thought I would share. I also figured I would most likely try to blog all of those things I come across, as I already have a few to show you guys. I will include the original posts where I found the inspirations from, but keep in mind I have customized them to what worked best for my family in our home, and as smart as I am I don't have the exact directions because my step dad installed them for me, but I will do my very best to include any info I have!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Cohen's First Physio Appointment

This past Wednesday Cohen had his very first Physio Therapy appointment. He did really good, but we were also told his trunk area is a bit low in tone so we were given some exercises to try with him at home. I'm so happy we have been a part of the early intervention program. I can't wait to see my lil' love excel :)

                                                          Cohen had so much fun!

Week 5

Week 5
Week 5 of "Our Littles Collected" is live on the blog now!( Our Littles  ) A lovely lil' collective of some amazing photogs and their adorable littles as they grow week to week. SO super happy to have been able to be a part of such a sweet project. If you would like to check out where this idea originated, here is another collection of some wee ones being captured by their very talented photographer parents ( You Are My Wild ).

Here is my submission from last week (Week 4). Cohen chilln' in his crib haha

Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 3

 Excited to share this lovely collective blog project featuring some amazing photographers and their littles as they grow week to week. Make sure to follow and enjoy!
Check it out and follow here :


Here's Cohen Saturday morning enjoying a very messy meal....the answer to your question is yes, I had to bath him haha.

First St.Patrick's Day

Forgot to post about Cohen's first St.Patrick's Day, so I figured I would share this photo.
My boy, so lovely. So sweet. So mine!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


It's funny to think I've been waking up at the crack of dawn for the past seven and a half months and I am still not a morning person. I'm almost positive if I didn't suffer from insomnia (yes people, I am suffering! lol), I would love waking up in the mornings. I must admit the mornings are probably my most productive time, because if I'm not moving I'm struggling to keep my heavy eyelids open. I wish my body would adapt to this little to no sleep concept, but it really craves more haha. Luckily my motivation kicked into gear first thing this morning (at four thirty). I organized my entire house, from top to bottom in one day! I'm not counting the garage as that's my hubby's job, and technically not in the house haha. I also admit that I planned on colour coordinating the closets, and that didn't get done, but I must say I'm pretty proud of myself. Especially because I did a good majority of it carrying around my sidekick Cohen! I would have said my helper Cohen, but today he was more hinderance than help. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just hard to pack things around with a baby literally strapped to you haha. Anywho despite the huge bags under my eyes, the day did go on and I made it! Success!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Early Morning Risings

 If your not a morning person, and I mean EARLY morning person, 5am comes fast and hard! Hard to open your eyes, hard to climb out of that comfy nest you've been warming up the past peaceful hours (or restless ones if your an insomniac like myself) and just plain hard to fathom that your awake before the sun! What!?
I always tell myself to stay positive and motivated and that will propel me through my exhaustion, and most of the time that works. Most of the time. On the occasional morning that it doesn't, much like this morning, I have my vices to help me relax and cheer me up just the slightest bit so I can tackle my very long day on just adrenaline and the first of my tea!
 While I drink my tea I will usually jot down a few notes in my journal, either lists of to-do's or a cute thing Cohen or one of my fur kids may have done I just don't wan't to forget. If Cohen is still happy in his swing or playing I will try and jump in on one of the trillions of D.I.Y projects I constantly have going, and that almost always gets the motivation flowing again.
 You didn't ask for it, but there you have it. My early morning blues remedy for the early riser who's super sad they're up that early haha