Thursday, March 31, 2011


 They got me! For two months Jordan and Katelyn plotted a clever plan to surprise me for my birthday, and I'd say it was a success! As soon as I saw Katelyn walk through my front door I was completely shocked. Jordan had casually told me earlier that day that he had a "union meeting", when really he was heading out to the airport to pick up my bff. What a pair :D Jordan and I live together so I'm sure it was hard for him not to let any info slip out and Kate's afraid to fly, but she braved it all by herself just to see me. Since this past Summer Kate and I haven't had longer than a couple hours to get together and visit. Being as it's my birthday this Friday I'm honestly overjoyed that they went to such extremes to surprise me. This weekend road trip to Edmonton is going to be just that much more fun. I wish so badly that I could have all my family and friends with me to celebrate, but at this point in time it's just not feasible. Maybe next year.... Well, I really hope you all have a great weekend. I know I will! 
(Kate and I back in the day)
Till next time, Britt*

Monday, March 28, 2011


Every time I look at these photos I get the urge to drag Jordan down to the SPCA and beg him for another dog! Lucy is so cute I can't get over it. At 4 months old she's already the boss of Cooper, who is older than her by 3 months haha.

  You should see them at the dog park, it's pretty hilarious. Lucy run's around and antagonizes the Great Daines and Mastiffs, all the dogs that are 3 times her size haha and Cooper is off trying to make puppies with the other dogs, if ya' know what I mean!? I think it's about time we had the talk if we're going to get him neutered or not. Our only worry is, he has a slight heart murmur on the left side. The vet said it was very faint and probably not a worry, but we'd like to get it checked out first. I would hate to just go for it and have something happen to my little guy. As far as it effecting him regularly, it doesn't. If he was faster I'm sure he could keep up to Lucy  haha It's pretty funny how clumsy he is.  Anywho, I just wanted to show you how cute Cooper's new girlfriend is. Oh, I would also like to say....if you have the means to do so, please go check out your local SPCA and see if there's a pet that might just complete your family :) It warms my heart when I look on their website and see that there are animals being adopted. I can't wait for my next visit!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Has Sprung :)

 Well hello! It has been quite some time since my last posting, and I certainly have missed rambling about my day to those of you all :) I have been so wrapped up in house projects, appointments and taking care of my kids (by now you know I mean my pets haha) that my blog has sadly fallen behind. I do intend on updating this page every couple days now that I feel I have the proper organizing system down. I tell ya this new office  really makes a huge difference with my system. I've always been a little bit obsessive about writing in my day planner, and labelling just about everything, but with the extra space it really make it easier to organize all my odds n' ends. There is a place for everything and that's exactly how I like things. Now for the rest of the house to magically fall into place haha
 I'm so excited for Spirng to come into bloom. With all the upcoming project's I have, and fun new developments I'm literally almost busting at the seams with excitement!  Things are coming together just as I hoped. I'm a happy gal!
 Well I'm going to keep this posting short. I'm sure nobody wants to miss the season finale of "Jersey Shore" haha just kidding....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 72&73- Spring Cleaning!

 So much for "springing ahead" with the time change. It's snowed pretty much ever since I changed my darn clocks. Here I was all excited that the time had finally arrived, and now I have to go shovel my driveway, lucky me! I guess it could be worse...I can't think of how at the moment, but I'm sure it could be haha
 I was thinking today about how much fun it's going to be bringing Cooper to go swimming for the first time, and riding in the back of the truck when I realized, he's never even seen grass before! Ever since we brought our little guy home there's been a crazy amount of snow on the ground. I cant believe I never thought about that before. He's going to be experiencing a lot of firsts these coming months :)
 Along with Spring usually comes the dreaded "Spring Cleaning", which I can happily say I've already tackled! Due to our recent move I was able to purge our house of all the old, so we can bring in the new. I got rid of everything from old cell phones to stuffed animals I should have parted with years ago.  For somebody like myself who can see the sentimental value in just about everything, purging my belongings has been a task in the past. I must say though with age I'm finding it easier to keep just what's needed. Don't get me wrong I have a good collection of things with great personal value to myself, but I'm not on my way to hoarding anything haha...besides photographs that is! I hope all of you are having better luck with your Spring weather, and good luck with your Spring cleaning as well!!   
                             Day 72- No signs of spring outside, so I decided to bring some indoors :)
Day 73- Dolly was intrigued by the mini snow storm taking place on the other side of the screen. I keep getting tempted to put on the cat's mini harness's and see what the think of the snow!? I think it wold be more fun for me than them though haha

Have a great night everyone! Britt*



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 69- Up Close & Personal

 Company just left. Cooper is asleep. The cat's are nestled in. Jordan is downstairs yelling at high school kids on the PS3. All is good in our house haha I was going to say"It's peaceful in our house", but I'd be lying lol Every five minutes I hear  profanity's being thrown around and occasionally the loud thump of Jordan throwing a controller. He's a little intense when it comes to his video games haha
 Anywho, we didn't get up to to much today. Ran a few errands downtown this afternoon and had friends over for dinner this evening. Creamy chicken burritos for dinner and the infamous PINK STUFF for dessert, yum!  The weather wasn't really allowing for us to do anything fun outdoors unfortunately. We did take a drive by the dog park today, but nobody was there. I don't blame them, the wind was pretty chilly today. Well  I guess that about sums up my day. As slow paced as it was, it was rather enjoyable. I must say I really love having people over at our new house :)

 Cooper was quite the snuggle bug this morning. It's a little startling waking up to a cold wet nose sniffing your face. I can't say I'd let anyone else wake me that way haha He's lucky he's cute!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Women's Day!

I hope everyone enjoyed International Women's Day today. If you didn't get the chance earlier, all you ladies take some time out for yourself to just relax and have some "me time". I assure you, you won't regret it. You deserve it for being the awesome woman you are :) Don't get me wrong, you guy's are great too,but today is for us....we'll resume picking up your dirty socks tomorrow haha
 Sidenote: did anybody happen to catch "The Bachelor" (women tell all) episode last night? It's been a guilty pleasure of mine this past season, and I must say yesterday's episode was a good one haha If you watched you know what I'm talking about!
 Anyway...There hasn't been too much going on around here. I still haven't  narrowed down which paint colours I want to buy samples of. I have so many options they're all starting to look the same lol I have however picked up a few odds and ends that were needed around here. Things are coming together, slowly but surely :)

(The picture was one taken on Sunday for Day 66 of Project 365)

Have a good night everyone :)


Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Digs

I hope everybody enjoyed their weekend while it lasted. Is it just me or did this weekend seem to fly by?As short as it felt I sure got a whole heck of a lot accomplished. The basement is organized, the garage is complete and I even got a couple pictures up on the wall. Other than that the past couple days have been fairly uneventful. There's so many things I want to do I just can't decide what should take priority on the list. I think if I can talk Jordan into it, we might go get a couple paint samples to try out.  I should dig out all the swatches I've collected over the past while and take a picture just to show you how obsessed I've been about it lately haha I'm getting worried I'm going to commit to a colour and then change my mind a few months down the road.That would be so me lol. I love so many it's hard narrowing them down. Right now everything's painted out in "Painter's Beige", and it's just a little neutral for my taste. I'm going to post some photos of our new home below, but wanted to warn you first of their bad quality. I took these photos from the website our house was listed on, I didn't take them myself. I was going to take some of my own  but haven't yet gotten around to it so I thought Id show you these first. Unfortunately there wasn't photos of the basement or the main floor bathroom, but you get the jist of it haha
 Entry Way-

 Master Bedroom-
 Master Bath

 I want to build a huge canvas to paint for this space!
 I can't wait for the "after" photos :D

Talk to you soon! Britt*

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 62&63- Patience Is A Virtue

 Silence. I usually can't stand it, but at this very moment I'm savouring it. After listening to the dog whine the whole time I was in the basement (he's scared to death of the basement), a little piece and quite is exactly what I need. So for the last half hour or so I have been sitting,in silence, in front of the fireplace trying to decide which household project to tackle next. I'm starting to realize that I don't have half as much patience as I thought I had haha It seems I'm constantly running around the house starting project after project without waiting for the first to be completed. Everybody keeps telling me to slow down, just enjoy living in your house before going crazy with planning.The truth is I just can't help myself. My whole life I've been addicted to interior design, and constantly changing the look of my space. I actually seriously considered going to school for it, that is before I realized I couldn't shake the shutter bug haha So I guess patience is my next project. We'll see how that works out :p
 In other news....Tracy and I took the dogs to the dog park on Wednesday and it was so much fun. It was the first time Coopers ever been to a dog park so it was pretty fun to see run around with a bunch of other dogs. There was quite the variety there, and you'll never see it because the smart gal that I am forgot the camera! What!?  :( Never again will I let that happen. I'm still not pleased with myself haha
 What I can show you is the last couple days photos for Project 365 :)

 Day 62- These 3 photos I took while I was unpacking the main floor bathroom. They're little potpourri balls which I thought were kinda neat. I'm not really a flowery potpourri type so I thought these were a cute alternative. I've had them for a while now and they still smell delicious!

Day 63- It finally stopped. Although I should have changed the battery when it started running slow, I decided to see how long it would take for it to just stop all together. 6 Months!! Yes, 6 months this clock has been running on it's own time lol And 6 months I've procrastinated to simply change out the battery. There's always tomorrow..... haha just kidding I'll fix it today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March Begins..

  Wow. I can't even begin to tell you how hectic things have been lately. As much as I enjoy unpacking and organizing, this move really has my head spinning. I'm a creature of habit so having my routine up in the air has sort of thrown me for a loop. I miss blogging and posting photos on a regular basis. I haven't even had the chance to tour around my new stomping grounds yet, let alone take pictures of it... I figure a couple more days to settle in and I'll be back in the swing of it all. I'm really looking forward to that :D
I'm also looking forward to decorating the house! I've been collecting paint samples and magazines for inspiration since, pretty much forever LOL. I can't wait to start painting sample swatches on the wall, and hanging up photos. I just hope I can narrow down all the choices. We have a lot to look forward to, but there's going to be a lot of work along the way. It's all worth it in the end. I'm just excited to see everything come together. Not only with the house but all of the project's I've taken on this new year. I guess we'll have to wait to see what happens next..