I'm completely surprised that I can open my eyes at this point. After a week of organizing, packing and finally moving, I am beat! We still have to do a quick tidy of the old place, but I don't even want to think about that right now. I must say it's been a very smooth and almost painless move. Minus a bit of a hitch with the moving truck company ( all I'll say is don't use Uhaul if you live in Fort Mac!), everything else went well :) I just need a really good sleep, in like 2 minutes! haha Cooper's been quite the lucky pup the past few days. We've been taking him over to Liz's house to play with her 2 dogs Roxi and Burton and 2 other dogs she's been watching as well! Lots of excitement to keep him busy, while we've been busy ourselves. The little guy was so tired ,when we had company over tonight he just slept the whole time! Usually he's soaking in as much attention as possible haha I hope he's ready for more fun tomorrow. We're going for dinner at a friends house, where there's 2 more dogs for Cooper to play with. We've been so busy lately I swear he's gonna sleep for a week!
Day 55- Last walk around the old neighbourhood. I never usually walked down this pathway, but because it was my last time I figured why not. It's not the prettiest to look at, but it was completely deserted so it was a nice change from having to share the other walk ways.
Day 56- Official final moving day!!! This is the last apartment I'm ever going to live in :D Feels nice, no GREAT to own our own home! (
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Project 365 Days 53 & 54
Day 54-The walkway around the pond is so thick with ice, it's like a skating rink! I can't tell you how many times I've come close to breaking an ankle, arm, wrist etc... I can't believe just a few day's ago I was feeling like Spring was making it's way back. I was soo wrong haha If I wasn't ready for the snow to take a hike before, I certainly am now!
Day 53- After taking a couple truck loads of our belongings to the new house, we decided to take a quick peek of our neighbourhood. There is definitely more places near by that we can walk Cooper at. It's nice that a good majority of them he's able to run off leash. It sounds backwards, but for some reason he listens better when he's not on the leash lol I shouldn't discredit him, he is a pretty good listener. I've just noticed when he has a bit more freedom, he's a little more open to my suggestions haha
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 51- Can't Catch A Break
I had already made the conscious decision to have a positive outlook on the day when I woke up this morning. I was going to try not to focus on packing the boxes, but how exciting it would be to unpack them in our new home. Thinking not about how lame it's going to be having to completely clean this condo , but how nice and clean our new house is and what a good fresh start it will be. A few more thoughts rolled into my head as I started to make my way up, when all of the sudden I had an immense feeling of pain and realized I couldn't move my neck! I should have known sleeping with twenty pillows would make for an awkward head position, thus resulting in well... my situation. So much for the power of positive thinking haha. I contemplated jumping back into my cozy bed and hiding for the rest of the day, but I'm glad I didn't. Despite my injury let's call it, I managed to get quite a bit done. They were all very small tasks, but they still needed to be done lol so now I'm feeling pretty good about today. We have a viewing here tomorrow and I'm planning on baking a cake so it smells yummy in here :D Jordan will be excited when he see's I whipped out my favourite buttercream icing recipe!
Goodnight, Britt*
As you can see I'm not the only one who sleeps in awkward positions sometimes haha, I don't think she suffers the consequences though :P
Goodnight, Britt*
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 49- Get moving
The panic has arrived! We met with our realtor today and she handed us the keys to our new home!! As excited as we are there is plenty to get done before we can actually move in. I have to finish packing up the house, confirm a sitter for the dog, call all the hook-up companies for cable, water etc.... My mind is moving a mile a minute at the moment. We did however take some time to bring in a couple new items we bought especially for the house and set them up. It was kind of nice just sitting there, the two of us in our new home. A home we actually own and can do with what we please! I'm strangely excited to be able to hang photos and such with nails instead of pins haha I make the rules now :D
Well as lame as it sounds for a Friday night...I'm off to bed. I probably could have gone to bed hours ago to be honest. Packing boxes can really tire a girl out!
Have a good night, Britt*
Well as lame as it sounds for a Friday night...I'm off to bed. I probably could have gone to bed hours ago to be honest. Packing boxes can really tire a girl out!
Have a good night, Britt*
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 48- Medic!
Ughhh it's finally over! Never has a day dragged on like today. I've been ill the past couple days, but today takes the cake. Have you ever noticed you always get sick at the absolute worst times! I literally have a week to be finished packing, and this nausea is really holding me back on that front. Not only that but my animals are bored to death with me stuck in bed all day. Their brains aren't being stimulated and it's causing me some guilt :( I just have to remember that a week from tomorrow we'll have a nice new big house to run around and explore in, so that should make me feel less guilty. Plus I won't be sick for much longer...I hope!
I was looking through my camera and got quite a few photos from Grande Prairie I want to share. I intended on posting a few yesterday and then today as well, but I haven't quite made it that far yet. I promise as soon as I feel I can lift my head for longer than ten minutes I'll get right on it! Have a good night, talk to you all tomorrow :D
Day 48 photos-
I was looking through my camera and got quite a few photos from Grande Prairie I want to share. I intended on posting a few yesterday and then today as well, but I haven't quite made it that far yet. I promise as soon as I feel I can lift my head for longer than ten minutes I'll get right on it! Have a good night, talk to you all tomorrow :D
Day 48 photos-
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Days 42-47!
Day 43- These are just 2 of the 6 cats that hang around the house. The orange ones is appropriately named Orange Julius, and he was completely obsessed with out dog, yet completely ignores all the other dogs haha.
At one point while Jordan was working outside on the truck window, we looked outside and could see all the cats had piled into the truck and were just playing around on the dash board haha. I started to count the paw prints on the drive home but quickly lost count haha
Day 44- Kolson and Cooper cuddling in for the night. They hit it off so well! Cooper spent the majority of his time licking Kolson's face and ears trying desperately to be liked :P
Day 45- Took this at one of our pit stops on the way home from Grande Prairie.This pile went on forever...
Day 46- A nice clean pup, not the happiest guy after that, but he smells delicious!
Day 47- Cooper waiting patiently for me to get some work done and take him outside. Unfortunately when we got home from our trip it was so cold we haven't been able to take him for a real walk. All of the pathways have been covered by snow drifts and fresh snow from last night. Looks like I'm going to have to spend a good chunk of my day running around the coffee table trying to keep him amused. Keep your fingers crossed I don't injure myself this time around, you can only run around in a circle so many times before you get dizzy!
Grande Prairie
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend and happy Valentines day too! Jordan and I spent our Valentines day, well 8hrs of it anyhow, in our truck coming home from Grande Prairie. We had such a good time it was hard to leave. It was really hard to take Cooper Way from all the new friends he met and got to play with. They all got along so well it really worked out great. Jordan and I keep going back and forth on whether or not it would be a smart idea to get a little companion for Coop. We have our cats, but they have no interest in playing with another cat let alone a dog 5 times their size haha I guess we'll see what happens. For now I think one dog fits just right. If we had another dog we definitely wouldn't be able to just pick up and head on an 8 hr road trip like we did Friday. It's already getting difficult to squeeze Coop in the little seat between us, I an just imagine with another pooch in there. Especially with the bad luck we have.......on the way to Grande prairie the driver side window got stuck all the way down for 2hrs! Of coure the weather took a turn for the worst the second we realized the window wasn't coming back up. As bad as I felt for our little pup trying to keep warm, Jordan really got the worst of it. I can't even count how many times he was hit by rocks flying off the oncoming traffic. Needles to say it was a very unpleasant couple of hrs while I tried to track down a mechanic that first, could hear what I was trying to say on the phone with wind blowing crazily around me, and secondly could fit us in and help us out.
Soooo I would like to thank Hunter Motors in Athabasca AB for bumping us to first in line and fixing us up! I have never felt so much relief, so thanks again!! haha
We made it in one piece and ended up having the best time. Its always so much fun going there because even though they don't live right in town, there is no shortage of things to do. Between the crew of pets that include horses, cats and dogs (that I adore far too much), and the acres of land, you really are easily occupied. Its a great break from our apartment and tiny deck haha Not only that but it's nice to have family close enough to be able to visit. On Saturday the boys went on a little excursion to get hay for the horses. They were nice enough to leave us girls behind so we could relax on the couch and discuss , well girls stuff haha It was really exciting to hear all the plans for the newest edition to the fam. Only a few more months until he or she arrives, so there's plenty to talk about and get done! I love that they're keeping the sex of the baby a surprise until the day. Not many people can wait on information like that, so we're all pretty excited as to what it's going to be. Jordan is 100% positive he's going to have a nephew, whereas I'm not so sure. I don't really have a feeling as to what it's going to be, but I also don't want to guess and be wrong hahah oh geez. Either way everyone is very excited and looking forward to these next few months ahead.
I've only been home for a night and Im ready for another trip back! It's fun going on a walk with 4 dogs and turning around to see 6 cats following close behind haha The dogs are super protective of the rest of the animals and keep an eye out for coyotes before they bunker in for the night. Its neat to see so many animals get along without any problems. They were even fine when we left them alone to go into town and grab some awesome milkshakes from Fatburger! Holy cow yummy!
The night before we left ,Sarissa and Christian were kind enough to make us a delicious turkey dinner, with all the fixins. I hadn't been brave enough to try making one myself over the holidays so it was a nice treat for sure! All in all it was an awesome trip. It really makes me excited for what this Summer has in store!
P.S. I was having troubles posing this lastnight, so I will post my project 365 photos later in another post so this one doesn't drag on forever!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 41-Packing of a different sort...
Day 41- Well I'm taking a break from packing, to pack....make sense? Haha Fortunately for me I'm packing to go on weekend trip as opposed to filling boxes with books and cookware! Jordan and I are both super anxious to get to Grande Prairie to visit his sister and her boyfriend. They live on the most beautiful piece of land with tons of animals to keep you busy. It's a little more exciting this time around because we get to visit once more before their little bun in the oven arrives! Also Cooper only gets to play with other dog's a few times a month, so being able to join in on all the fun with their dogs will be a nice treat :) I am kind of dreading the very long drive. Cooper hasn't been in the truck for longer than an hour, so I'm not sure how much fun he's going to have with 8-10 :p I guess time can only tell....darn.
Because they do live a bit off the grid, I won't be able to Blog or upload my photos for my Project 365 :(
I will however hopefully be able to update via my iphone if we decide to venture into town. Which I certainly hope we do, because I have been obsessed with looking at baby clothing, furniture etc, but I feel weird considering I'm not the one having a baby hahah With that being said, I wish you all an awesome weekend and a lovely Valentines Day <3
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 40-Spring is in the Air

Day 40- I had some spring in my step this morning...haha get it. ( I guess I can cross comedian off my resume) So I decided to try and get a Spring inspired photo for the day. It was a little challenging to find anything without snow or frost on it, but I managed to find a couple of these guys that weren't broken or buried. I also lucked out with the sunshine today. You wouldn't even know by looking at the photo that I live at the North Pole haha
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 39- And The Motivation Kicks in!
Day 39- A chilly morning walk with my little guy. It's so funny when he's full of energy, bouncing from snow pile to snow pile at full force. Funny until he directs his launch at you haha. I'm guessing he's at least 30Ibs by now, but it feels like 50 when he lands on you! I sure hope he grows out of that habit before he's full grown. I can see that causing some major problems. I finally started filling up those moving boxes. You'd think with all the organizing I did in preparation for packing, I would be alot further by now. Oh well, I'm on fire with it now. As the date get's closer I get more motivated to just get the packing portion over with so I can start looking at paint samples!!!
Have a great day, Britt*
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 37/38...

Day 38- I took this pic on our last adventure of the day. Although it was nice and sunny all day, it was absolutely freezing! Taking my hands from the comfort of my wooly grey mittens was like torture. Luckily I pulled through and got a couple shots in for the day. This was my favourite of the bunch. I wish I had been warm enough to sit back and enjoy the scenery, but truthfully I nearly sprinted home I was so cold. That's what photos are for, capturing a moment. Now I can sit back on the couch, snuggle up with one of my cats and take in the sunset.....on my laptop. Haha oh geez Anyway I hope everyone had as good a day as I did, if not there's always tomorrow :D
P.S. Sorry the photo is such small scale, when I enlarge it my blog archive covers nearly half of the image.
Yesterday's Photo of the day, Day 37 of 365
Jordan and I taking a late night stroll around the pond. I was having fun messing around with the camera in such low light. There was some pretty fun shots at the end of the night. No masterpieces, but some interesting outcomes with the lighting which was neat to see. The reflective details on Jordan's jacket really light up. It almost looks like a face haha.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
~Sam and Oakley~
Over the Holiday season I got to go and visit my mom and stepdad up island. Although the trip was an insufficient amount of time, it was good while it lasted :D My brother's dog Oakley became my shadow the instant I walked through the door, so I wasn't surprised when she insisted on sleeping at the foot the bed. My mom's cat Sam enjoys teasing her because Oakley is blind and easily fooled lol They were both hanging out with me, so naturally I decided it was a good photo-op! Here's a couple of pic's from the impromtu photo shoot...
Day 36 of 365!
Cooper and I just returned from a rather difficult walk around the pond. The warm weather from days ago melted the snow, and today the freezing wind has frozen even the lightest footprints in place. Walking around the path was like trying to navigate your way down a bobsled track on foot! With the added difficulty of speed bumps made from snow drifts :) Fun! Oh well, at least our earlier walk was nice. It was actually sort of peaceful around dinner time. The weather was really calm for about thirty minutes(just enough time to get a few photos) haha and then reverted back to me just barely escaping windburn on my nearly numb face. Oh and I got some exercise in for the day, bonus! My legs are kind of burning, I'm not going to lie haha I feel like an accomplished athlete after today's travels.....I think I deserve some Ice cream :D Maybe after that I can stop staring at the boxes and pack them!....or maybe they should stop staring at me and pack themselves!? haha Just a thought :p Anyway...............
Day 36- We went off route early this evening and did a little scoot around the block. They're were just to many big dogs at the park and they don't all appreciate Cooper's ummm.....enthusiasm I suppose haha Usually he does really well, but most of them were off leash and it made me a little to nervous to test it out on my own.I'm not surprised there was so many dogs there everyone had the same idea ,taking advantage of the split second of half decent weather! Maybe when the boys get home from work we'll take him back and see if anyone's still hanging around that he can play with. Until then I'm on dinner duty! Take care, and have a great Saturday night!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Back In The Swing Of Things!
Whoa, a whole week I've been away from my best friends and constant companions......my camera & computer haha. I honestly haven't been this busy for longer than I can even remember. Between buying a house, paper signing, packing and even more appointments/meetings I've barely had time to nurse this stubborn cold :( It's pretty sad when a self proclaimed "night owl" like myself can barely keep her head up past 9pm! That's craziness around my household! I'm so happy to be back to my routine now. I've missed blogging terribly, things have been moving so fast I have no shortage of things to blog about haha. Luckily I have been able to keep track of my Project 365 photos, finding time to take them when I take Cooper outside, or when we're having a split second of downtime inside. If it weren't for those little puppy potty breaks outside, I'd have cabin fever by now lol
Now for Project 365 pictures!! Here's a re-cap of my week......
Day 28- A walk in the woods.
Day 29- Packing up an old friend...
Day 30- Right outside my door.
Day 31- Can you see what I see?
Day 32- Another shot of one of my fav tree's, toughing out the winter season :)
Day 33- One of coop's fav snacks.......he's so strange haha
Day 34- The first bug I've seen since....I can't even remember!
Day 35- Power outage!!! Yikes!!
So there ya go, you're all caught up on my life haha. I certainly hope you are all doing well! Have a great night :D
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